NinjaPigeon - My Flight to Financial Independence

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Net worth - 05/31/06

Lots of things happened this month between the 1st and the 31st, which don't come across in this statement. As I'm sure everyone remembers, the first 10 days of May saw the market make some very impressive gains. The last 3 weeks, however, saw those gains erode, and then some.

During May I got a check cut from my 401k that I'll use for a rollover IRA. That is still in the works. Because I had to sell, I locked in my losses, unfortunately. Thankfully they were just paper losses. Since inception, my 401k achieved a peek return of 17.76%, but dipped to only 8.04% by the time the account was closed.

I also moved most of my cash into a Mutual Funds account. The timing on it didn't work out so well, so as you can see I've lost about 2.45% of principal already. The daily swings on the account are half a percent, though, so the loss doesn't worry me that much. I'm sure it'll bounce back in a few months.

Also, I moved my stock holdings out of and into Walgreens. It's been mostly flat since I bought it, but the future appears good.


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